Friday, June 8, 2007

What is so shameful to talk about menopause?

What is so shameful to talk about menopause?

Menopause is a natural biological process which marks the end of a woman's periods.It only ends the production of the productive eggs in the lady's abdoment i.e ending ovulation. But it doesn't mean the end of estrogen production, as many thought.In most women the ovaries continue functioning when menopause occurs. They continue to produce the estrogen precursors testosterone and androstenedione as well as a small amount of estrogen.

The Biology of Perimenopause and Menopause
A lady can enter menopause one of these three ways.
1. Simply living long enough to pass the age of 45 to 55.
2. Due to tumour, by having her ovaries removed.
3. Due to chemotherapy or drugs used to stop ovarian functioning.

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